Remember what it feels like to feel good again!
Positive thinking only works on about 5% of the population. Hypnosis gives us direct access to the subconscious mind where we create beliefs and behavior patterns. Hypnotherapy does not take away old experiences, we can’t erase history, but we CAN modify or add to the picture. Change the meaning and you change the feeling. Change the feeling and you change the behavior.

Any process or method we use in life has the ability to work for us or against us – to benefit us or detract from us. Hypnosis is all about releasing, letting go of associations that affect you today in a way that is no longer beneficial.
With hypnotherapy, we can modify non beneficial behaviors, emotions and feelings and create powerful, positive associations. Not all hypnotherapy is created equal! Gila uses the E & P model of suggestibility, sexuality and behavior. (Emotional and Physical). These are fundamental in how we learn and interact with all relationships. Habit control, anxiety, phobias and chronic physical issues are just a few of the areas where hypnosis has been proven effective.
*Hypnosis is used for vocational or avocational self improvement. Some conditions may require a medical referral from a licensed medical or mental health professional.

At your initial appointment you will:
- Fully determine your unique suggestibility (hypnotic personality) Take the Suggestibility Questionnaire here
- Learn exactly HOW hypnosis will help you with your specific issue
- Experience hypnotic change-work for yourself
- Leave feeling better than before with a plan for success
Hypnotherapy specializations
Integrative Addiction Solutions
Everyone experiences therapeutic hypnosis in their own individual way. Most people remain completely aware of everything that is going on. In fact, many people experience a hyper-awareness where sensations are perceived enriched and vivid. The ability to visualize or imagine is enhanced. Deep relaxation is common. Many describe the hypnotic state as a complete and total escape from physical tension and emotional stress, while remaining completely alert. Simply stated, you are totally absorbed in the present moment only, much like reading a book or watching a movie.
The fastest way to modify unwanted patterns or behavior is hypnotherapy. Contrary to popular belief, it is nothing like what you may have seen on a stage or at a party. It works because the longer a thought (suggestion) stays in the critical, analytical part of our minds, the greater the chance it has of being diluted or rejected. With clinical hypnosis, the critical thinking part of our mind is resting – not absent like some people are apt to believe. In essence a window opens between the conscious, thinking mind and the subconscious mind where our habits and associations are held. It is at this time that a suggestion can be immediately accepted into the subconscious. The suggestion is heard by the conscious mind (logic, reason, judgement) and if accepted there, drops directly into the subconscious where it can be reinforced in the hypnotic state.