Suggestibility is simply how we take information in, and how that plays with our own internal scripts. Depending on your individual suggestibility type, suggestions are framed and presented to your subconscious mind in hypnosis in a way that they will be most effective.
The old model of hypnosis, Pre Kappassinian, believed that not everyone could be hypnotized. What was so important about Dr. John Kappas’ work was that he believed that if you were able to determine a subject’s suggestibility type, then you could hypnotize virtually anyone.
At your initial session, we will determine your suggestibility and I will explain how your goals can be achieved through hypnotherapy. Approximately 5% of the population are what we call Somnambulists, equal parts Emotional and Physical suggestible. No person is 100% of either E or P, we are all a variation of percentages of one and the other.
Emotional Suggestibility A suggestible behavior characterized by a high degree of responsiveness to inferred suggestions affecting emotions and restriction of physical body responses. Thus, the Emotional person learns more by inference than by direct, literal suggestions.
Physical Suggestibility A suggestible behavior characterized by a high degree of responsiveness to literal suggestions affecting the body, and restriction of emotional responses.
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