Until recently, much if not all of our scientific theory was based on Newton’s laws of physics from a few hundred years ago. These definitions held that the universe is made up of solid objects. This premise was extended in the 19th century to describe a universe composed of building blocks called atoms – and these were also thought of as being composed of solid objects: a nucleus of protons and neutrons with electrons revolving around the nucleus similarly as the earth moves around the sun. Newton’s laws held firm the ideas of absolute time and space – being linear in nature. Most importantly, all physical reactions were seen as having a physical cause. These ideas are very reassuring to those who see the world as a finite object – solid and unchanging. It is also comforting to some to see the word with very clear and definite rules that govern its functioning.
In the early 19th century, new physical phenomena were discovered that did not fit the parameters of Newton’s laws of physics, specifically the discovery of electromagnetic fields. Pioneering scientists such as Michael Faraday and James Clerk Maxwell developed the theory of a universe filled with fields that create forces that interact with each other. Essentially, it was thought that through these fields of energy, we could begin to explain our affect on each other at a distance through means other than speech and sight. As human beings, we ourselves are composed of fields. We sense the presence of another human being without seeing or hearing them. This also explains the phenomenon of mothers who know when their children are in trouble – no matter where they are, even when they have grown and moved away. Have you not had the experience of picking up the phone and knowing who was on the other line? This “sensing” can be explained by the harmony (or in some cases disharmony) of the interactions of our energy fields.
With the publishing of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity in 1905, the principal theories of Newton were challenged, and essentially shattered. According to Einstein’s theory, space is not three dimensional and time is not a separate entity. Both are intimately connected and create a fourth dimensional continuum. Einstein indicated with E = MC2 that matter and energy were interchangeable. There exists another level of space where physical matter became pure energy. Challenging accepted thought further was his theory that time is not linear – there is not a “universal flow”. Time is not absolute. Time is relative. We all have had the experience of losing track of time – or of time speeding up. Does time not fly when we are engaged with something or someone we enjoy? In the moments before a car crash, people have described the “sensation” of time slowing down; painfully slow until the moment of impact. Additionally, as time is not linear, the feeling of Déjà vu could be an experience of something that has not yet happened or that has already happened – or that is happening on another plane.
In the 1920’s the reality of the subatomic world moved into scientific view. Quantum physics is a branch of science that deals with discrete, indivisible units of energy called “quanta”. These units exist as both particles and waves; they actually go back and forth between these states. When a subatomic particle is in a wave state, it could be said to exist anywhere in time. Our brains are conditioned to think of things spatially, so the idea that all things exist as energy is difficult for most of us to accept. Everything from our thoughts to the food we eat is energy at its most basic form. We react to and utilize the energy!